April 2018

The first glimpse of blossoms on the trees, tulips emerging from the ground, and longer days prove that spring is here! Lots going on in our community. Check out the events below!

COSSA CTE Spring Career Expo scheduled for Tuesday April 3rd for students grades 9-12.

Albertsons is hosting Eating Healthy with Diabetes — great for anyone who is diabetic, prediabetic or the caregiver of someone with diabetes. This class is great for any age and available in both English/Spanish materials.

The class will be held Saturday 4/7/18 at 10:00AM and is 100% complimentary. Those that need new blood sugar meters can also get one for free!

Homedale Farmers’ Market Vendor Training – Check out the info below!

Registration due April 23rd. Check out homedalefarmersmarket.com for details.

Plan ahead for the Homedale Farmers’ Market Spring Plant Sale Saturday, May 5th!


EVER consider becoming a Chamber of Commerce Member?

Your membership does go a long way!

Supporting the chamber allows us to continue to help with community events,particularly in Homedale for the Holidays Night Light Parade as well as the community Easter Egg Hunt.  

Your membership gets you some inexpensive marketing as well:
â–º You receive a preferred business listing on the www.cityofhomedale.com website with a direct link to your website.
► You also get your logo on the homepage scrolling banner ad.  
â–º Additionally, we have some exciting initiatives planned for 2018!  Stay tuned……

Please let us know if you have any questions!

President, Gavin Parker
Email: parkerg1@hdvest.net

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