There will be a gardening demonstration which includes Patio Pots (10:30-11:30) and Tomatoes 101 (11:30-12:30)
There will also be fun events for the kids!
June 1- September 28th 3:30 – 7:30 pm Bette Uda Park every Thursday There are No markets in October
November 4,11,18,25th 10-2pm old gym at the Homedale High School
December 2,9,16th 10-2pm old gym at the Homedale High School
‘Cultivate’ is a children’s nutrition program: This is free to children 3-12 years of age. Classes are every Thursday from 6/1/2017 – 8/18/2017 from 6-7 pm. The children learn how to choose healthy foods. They have cooking classes, tasting classes as well as learn about our ecosystem and what we need to do to save and maintain it.
Youth Vendor Days: 2nd Thursday of every month the youth can come and sell their produce and home made items. There is no vendor fee, but they do pay 5% of their sales at the end of each market.