The class will be held Saturday 4/7/18 at 10:00AM and is 100% complimentary. Those that need new blood sugar meters can also get one for free!
Registration due April 23rd. Check out for details.
Your membership does go a long way!
Supporting the chamber allows us to continue to help with community events,particularly in Homedale for the Holidays Night Light Parade as well as the community Easter Egg Hunt. Â
Your membership gets you some inexpensive marketing as well:â–º You receive a preferred business listing on the website with a direct link to your website.â–º You also get your logo on the homepage scrolling banner ad.  ► Additionally, we have some exciting initiatives planned for 2018! Stay tuned……
Please let us know if you have any questions!
President, Gavin Parker208-337-3271Email:
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