What is a Chamber of Commerce

Several years ago I was given the opportunity to partner with the City of Homedale and Homedale Chamber of Commerce to redesign their website and continue to build upon their online presence. During this process I have learned a lot about what our Chamber of Commerce does and what a great component it is to have in our small town. We are frequently asked “What is a Chamber of Commerce?”What exactly is a Chamber of Commerce?

The Chamber of Commerce is an organization of local businesses who meet regularly to discuss:

  • The interests of their businesses
  • Changing issues and trends of the local marketplace
    & collaborate ideas centered upon advancing their community

Together these business owners, volunteers, and representatives, advocate on behalf of the community to promote and create positive change in the community’s economic environment and quality of life.

How does the Chamber of Commerce benefit myself and my community?

The Chamber of Commerce provides great community events such as the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Holiday Nightlight Parade.

In addition, the Chamber of Commerce is beneficial to members of the community because it provides a reliable network of business professionals that are committed to using good and fair business practices. These businesses are dedicated to making sure their products and services meet the needs of the community and set the standard as local industry leaders.

How can joining a Chamber of Commerce benefit my business?

There are several ways that joining the Chamber of Commerce can benefit your business:

  • Increase your company’s visibility by becoming part of a proactive network. There are member exclusive advertisement spaces  given to members on our city website and social media pages
  • The Chamber offers a monthly meeting where professionals can make business contacts and acquire referrals
  • Gain positive credibility in the community by attending meetings and help establish your business image and reputation
  • By working with local government you are given a platform to address issues that may impact your business
  • The Chamber provides an open forum to discuss challenges and problems to a group of professionals who can relate and offer strategies and suggestions to benefit your business

The Homedale Chamber serves the community in numerous ways and is poised to be a key contributor to Homedale’s future. Ideas or Questions? For further information Contact Us Today!

Article written by: Kelse Puri.  Contributor & Freelance Website Designer