February 2019 events

The cold months of winter are still upon us as we enter the month of February. Despite the cold spring is in the minds of many as Spring Sports registration is now open, the Farmer’s Markets are preparing for the upcoming season, and seed swaps are happening in the treasure valley. Check it out!


Baseball/Softball/Coach Pitch/TBall Registration is now open until February 20th. Please call or text Amy with any questions: 208.713.1638. We will also have an in person registration for those who do not have internet access on Jan 30th from 530-7pm @ the Middle School. Please share so that we can get as many kiddos as possible! We look forward to a great season!

Also, if you are interested in coaching, please make sure to volunteer at the time you register your child! We are in need of coaches! Thanks everyone!

TBall – Need to be 4 years old by May 1st.
Coach Pitch – Need to be 6 by May 1st.


Join us for this special event at Terry Reilly’s Boise Latah and Nampa 1st clinics where we will provide dental care for eligible children at NO COST to families. Services will be offered to children who do not have Medicaid or dental insurance including: exams, cleanings, extractions, fluoride and fillings.

Join us at either location- Boise Latah, February 8th, 2019 or Nampa, February 15th, 2019.

For appointments call (208) 336-8801 ext. 3404. Space is limited.

In partnership with Give Kids A Smile and Idaho State Dental Association.

Check out the details for the Homedale Boosters Crab Feed! Saturday February 9th @ the Basque Center

Homedale Youth Bowling Fundraiser!! A poker tournament will be held on February 16th. There is a barbecue, an Alexa, and a drone, a smart tv and a ruger gun so far for prizes. There is also a silent auction. All money raised goes to our local youth bowlers scholarships. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Questions? Check out the Homedale Youth Bowling League on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/952692018192419/

St. Alphonsus Mobile Clinic in near by Nampa February 9th

The annual Boise seed swap and free community seed saving class is quickly approaching!

Visit their website for details! snakeriverseeds.com

Seedy Saturday
Saturday, February 16th 10am-2pm
Edwards Greenhouse
4106 Sand Creek St. Boise, ID 83703

Mark your Calendars for the Homedale Farmers’ Market! The annual plant sale was so successful last year we have decided to offer two Saturdays of plant sales. May 4th and 11th 10-2 pm Bette Uda Park. Homedale $20.00 per day plus 5% of your sales at the end of each day. Register and pay online at www.homedalefarmersmarket.com