Most of us have driven through town and noticed a gathering of people on Thursday’s in the Bette Uda Park in the center of the city. Little did I know our Homedale Farmer’s Market offers much more than fresh produce to our community. Not only does this non-profit organization seek to enhance the business success of our region’s small farms, chefs, and artisans by providing some of the lowest vending fees in the state, they donate these fees back to the Homedale School District to support the art programs. That is something no other market does in the state of Idaho.

Upcoming Events & Schedule

Entering its fifth season, the Homedale Farmer’s Market has a kick start Spring Fling Sale April 22nd from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
where you can purchase plants. 

There will be a gardening demonstration which includes Patio Pots (10:30-11:30) and Tomatoes 101 (11:30-12:30)

There will also be fun events for the kids!

The rest of the season schedule is as follows:

June 1- September 28th 3:30 – 7:30 pm Bette Uda Park every Thursday
There are No markets in October

November 4,11,18,25th 10-2pm old gym at the Homedale High School

December 2,9,16th 10-2pm old gym at the Homedale High School

HERE are just a few of the many things the Homedale Farmers’ Market has to offer:


Develop   Enrich   Nurture

‘Cultivate’ is a children’s nutrition program: This is free to children 3-12 years of age. Classes are every Thursday from 6/1/2017 – 8/18/2017 from 6-7 pm. The children learn how to choose healthy foods. They have cooking classes, tasting classes as well as learn about our ecosystem and what we need to do to save and maintain it.


Summer meals program: From 5-6 pm every Thursday meals are served to kids 1-18 years of age for free at the market. The event runs from 6/8/2017 thru 8/18/2017.

Youth Vendor Days: 2nd Thursday of every month the youth can come and sell their produce and home made items. There is no vendor fee, but they do pay 5% of their sales at the end of each market.

EBT: We accept Food stamps at our market. See our information booth for details.

Double Up Food Bucks:  For food stamp recipients the market will match the purchase up to $10.00 for fruits and vegetables.
Schools Art Grant Program: The market gives back to the Homedale School District thru art grants. We donate our vendor fees back to the school to supports the arts. This is done thru teachers requesting grant money from our market.

Free Advertising Opportunity: Sign up to come to the market and advertise your business to our customers for free. You cannot sell your products or services, but you can advertise them and direct them back to your business for the sales.


Business Location: Bette Uda Park 200 East Idaho Street Homedale, ID 83628
Physical Address: 5303 Ormsby Avenue Caldwell, ID 83607
Phone: 208-840-0440
Email: ddixon222@msn.com
Contact: Denise Dixon
Website: homedalefarmersmarket.com