► Fit & Fall Classes are held at the Senior Center every Tuesday & Thursday at 10:30
Focus on your health and come on down!
► A Foot Clinic will also be held January 16th at 8:30 at the Senior Center. The cost is $15
Questions? Contact the Senior Center at (208) 337-3020
► Join in at a Chamber of Commerce meeting. This month’s meeting will be held at noon Tuesday January 23rd @ the Bowling Ally
“We have lots of new movies and books! New carpet, children’s stacks, and computer carrels! And much more! Come in out of the cold and find a new book or movie to enjoy! Always something going on at the Homedale Public Library. Come check out the new changes!”
The Homedale Public Library also offers a Teens & Tweens program afternoons at 4:00 Monday – Saturday
For more information check out their website:http://homedale.lili.org
or Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Homedale-Public-Library-313125422103661/
Visit Owyhee Dental!115 S Main StHomedale, IdahoCall (208) 337-4383