October 2018 Events

Harvest season is in full swing across the fields of Owyhee County and it’s surrounding area. Corn, onions, potatoes, wheat, and hops are just a few of the crops that grow here in our beautiful valley. There are a lot of activities going on in Homedale during October including a horse parade and the Safe-and-Sane Halloween trick or treat in town and even a Halloween themed carnival for the kids! Check out the list below!

The HHS Cheerleaders are going to TRICK OR TREAT for the Ronald McDonald House! They are going to trick or treat for spare change and donate it to the Ronald McDonald House. Please spread the word!

Youth Bowling League begins October 6th! Check out the details below…

Looking for a way to advertise your business? With many options available an online presence is affordable and essential in today’s market! Check out this FREE workshop to help assist your business in getting started.
Come support the Homedale Music Department. Watch the Performance of Sleepy Hollow October 11th & 13th from 6:30 – 8:30 in the High School Old Gymnasium. Marching Band Competitions are also held throughout the month! Check out their website & calendar of events at: https://homedalemusicdepartment.weebly.com/

October 14th Horse Parade

A horse parade will be held on Sunday October 14th. Dozens of decorated horses and riders will be riding through Homedale. The parade is in celebration of the good-will between Mexico and the United States.

Any community members with horses are welcome to join the parade! And all are welcome to come watch. The riders will leave from the football field (Deward Bell Stadium) parking lot at 11:00 am, go up North Main Street to West Idaho Avenue and eventually wind up at Rancho La Loma on Sipes Road for a BBQ and social gathering.

Line up begins at 10:00 am at Deward Bell Stadium. The entry fee is $30. All proceeds help fund the Homedale Lion’s Club and there several community service projects.

For more information, contact Modesto Vega at (208) 631-5968 or vega@fiestaguadalajara.com.

HHS Science Club Clothing Drive

Please bring any used clothing items, coats, etc. you wish to donate to any hoome boys or girls athletic events and place them in the collection box. The clothing will be taken to Savers and the club receives money for each pound of clothing collected. Please contact one of the HHS science teachers and we can arrange to pick up items from you at your location as well! 208-337-4613

The Homedale Senior Center will be holding its annual Holiday Bazaar Arts & Crafts Fair
November 17,2018 Venders are needed, if interested please contact:
The cost per table is $12.00 for 60 in, round or 6 ft.long
$ 6.00 for card tables.
Welcome Vendors of all interest!
Homedale Senior Center at
224 West Idaho Ave.
8am to 1 pm or phone 208-337-3020
or mail check to
Homedale Senior Center
P.O.Box 848
Homedale Idaho 83628


Safe-n-Sane Halloween Trick or Treating at participating businesses (look for a pumpkin in the window) 3:30-5:30 or when candy runs out!

Costume Contest at City Hall for a Boy, Girl and Group!

Businesses – would you like to participate? Get your pumpkin from City Hall.

Halloween Themed Carnival @ Homedale High School Old Gym. Lots of fun activities.


â–º Next chamber meeting will be October 23rd, then meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday in November and December (November 20th & December 18th) Hope to see you there!
â–º FFA Annual Harvest Auction & Fundraiser will be November 8th details to come!

â–º The fourth annual night light parade will be Saturday November 25th